Perform the experiments, obtain results and interpret them
1. Gain knowledge of the various experiments and improve your technical skills (develop a clear understanding of the principle and protocol in order to critically examine the raw data collected, compare them to existing data, repeat the experiments...).

Specialize in one or two manipulations.
2. Carry out the series of experiments, all the while keeping a critical eye on the data obtained in comparison to what was expected and communicating regularly with other members of the group and with the educational team to ensure that the data are consistent and to adjust subsequent manipulations, if necessary.

Communicate with other members of the group and with the educational team as your work progresses
3. Analyze all the data obtained, interpret the results as a whole and ensure their consistency.
If necessary and if you have enough time, check and repeat problematic experiments.
If necessary and if you have enough time, check and repeat problematic experiments.