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Experiments B: influence of the deposit diameter

On the same TLC, place PhCHO in dichloromethane / petroleum ether 1/1 by volume (solution 7):

  • using a Pasteur pipette (deposit A)
  • by emptying the capillary (deposit B)
  • with a capillary, putting in the smallest possible drop (deposit C)

Dry the TLC plate thoroughly (in the air under the hood) and then elute in dichloromethane / petroleum ether 1/1 (C0 chamber).

Observe and conclude.

Perform the same experiment by depositing solution 11 (ferrocene in petroleum ether) and using petroleum ether as eluent (chamber C2).

2 inserts : visualize the TLC results and conclusion on this experiment.
Example of a solution of benzaldehyde PhCHO in dichloromethane.
Two or three deposits were made, with varying deposit volumes (one drop, two drops or 5 drops)

We observe that:
  • the spots are wider when using a pipette instead of a capillary
  • concentrating the deposits or increasing the volume of deposit also increases the width of the spots, but also makes it possible to see impurities in the initial compound, benzaldehyde
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