Titration will be performed in the laboratory using:
  • A tittered iodine solution concentrated at [c] = 0.0248M, prepared following the European pharmacopoeia standards.
  • An ascorbic acid test sample: 44.5 mg of raw material
  • A theoretical expected volume of diode out of the burette (assuming the raw material is pure)

N.A.: nascorbic acid being the number of moles of raw material involved in the titration, it can be written:
formula for the calculation of n ascorbic acid
n ascorbic acid = 0.253 mmoles
by integrating this value into the first equation
theoretical volume of diode burette drop = 10.2 x 10 exp -3 L
Therefore, if the ascorbic acid raw material is pure, this gives us, with the previously mentioned concentrations of the reagents used, a volume of 10 mL iodine out of the burette at the equivalence point.
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