Choosing and developing an extraction method

Examples of methods

A given technique can be implemented under different conditions, thus giving rise to several methods, depending on the context of the extraction (sample, compounds to be extracted). An illustration of the SPE technique is given here.

Solid-phase extraction (SPE) Illustration : the sample contained in a test tube passes through a solid support, resulting in the extract in a vial. Several steps:
1- Phase conditioning
2- Percolation of the sample
3- Possible washing (and/or drying)
4- Elution of compounds of interest
Method 1:
ochratoxin A extraction from wine Illustration : The sample (5mL of wine) contained in a test tube passes through a polymer (60 mg), resulting in the extract in a vial. Details of the steps:
1- 2 mL ACN + 2 mL water
2- percolation of the sample
3- 5 mL water + 5 mL ACN/water
4- 2 mL MeOH/formic acid
Marino-Repizo et al. Food Chem. 172 (2015) 663-668
Method 2:
extraction of pesticides from fruit juices Illustration : the sample (2 mL of juice + 2 mL of water) contained in a test tube passes through C18 grafted silica (200 mg), resulting in the extract in a vial. Details of the steps:
1- 4 mL CH2Cl2 + 4 mL MeOH + 5 mL water
2- percolation of the sample
3- cartridge is dried for 30 mins
4- 5 mL MeOH + 5 mL CH2Cl2
Romero-Gonzalez et al. Talanta 76 (2008) 211-225
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