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Level 2

Lab session/Project

Example 1

6h Lab session

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Level of integration of Chimactiv Level 2

Learning objectives: to be able to explain the principles behind certain analytical techniques; to be able to propose a strategy for analyzing water samples; to be able to interpret the results of the experiments

Method of evaluation: report including a brief description of the different techniques and an analysis of the results



Main steps I point out the existence of Chimactiv and explain its relevance for the present lab session I point the students to the appropriate Chimactiv ressources I encourage the students to use Chimactiv when preparing their written responses
What I do
A pdf document containing a description of Chimactiv site and the pages to consult is put on the course website (links are provided) Students can consult Chimactiv on their smartphones During an individual review of their work, I encourage the students to consult some of the ressources if needed
What the students do
The students look at Chimactiv on their own to prepare the lab session The students can consult Chimactiv during discussions with the teacher or other students The students consult the pages individually to improve their reports if necessary
The benefits of Chimactiv for me as a teacher

« I noticed a higher level of understanding and reflection on the part of the students with respect to GLP and the rules of laboratory safety as well as certain basic techniques (calibration, …) »

Example 2

6h Lab session

Download the pdf version
Level of integration of Chimactiv Level 2

Learning objectives: to be able to explain the principles behind certain analytical techniques; to be able to interpret the results of the experiments (including calculations of uncertainties)

Method of evaluation: oral report indicating the principles of the different techniques and an analysis of the results (with uncertainties)



Main steps I point out the existence of Chimactiv and explain its relevance for the present lab session I point the students to the appropriate Chimactiv ressources I encourage the students to use Chimactiv when preparing their written responses
What I do
In preparation for the session, either live or online, I record links to Chimactiv pages relevant to the lab session in a PPT file and in the course materials. Some ressources should be consulted before the lab session The pages to consult are indicated in the course materials and the students can consult Chimactiv on their smartphones During an individual review of their work, I encourage the students to consult some of the ressources if needed
What the students do
The students look at Chimactiv on their own to prepare the lab session (the basics of lab experiments and metrology) The students can consult Chimactiv during discussions with the teacher or other students. They are asked to answer some questions in the course materials The students consult the pages individually to improve their reports if necessary
The benefits of Chimactiv for me as a teacher

« I noticed a greater level of involvement on the part of the students in the lab and an improvement in the quality of their reports since I began using Chimactiv. »

Examples of use
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